Google Ads Verwaltung & Optimierung.
Meta Ads Verwaltung & Optimierung.
Kampagnenperformance überwachen.
Immer informiert bleiben.
Organische Sichtbarkeit steigern.
Effiziente Skalierung über eine große Anzahl von Konten und Aufgaben.
Hole über Automatisierung das meiste aus deinem E-Commerce heraus.
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Content creation & updating.
Meta Ads management & optimization.
Monitor your performance.
Always stay informed.
Increase organic visibility.
Efficient automation at scale across a large number of accounts and tasks.
Get the most out of your ecommerce through automation.
Maximize your available resources to achieve even more.
Learn more about automation in ecommerce & marketing.
Compare common automation tools.
Take a look at our customer's automation stories.
Take a look at our pre-built workflow automations.
All about the building blocks for creating workflows in Shopstory.
Questions about using our software? Find the answers here.
We make sure that automation works out for you.