Add Keyword as Exact Match if CTR is High

This automated flow streamlines the process of optimizing keyword strategy by adding keywords with a Click-Through Rate (CTR) greater than 2% as EXACT match types to your campaigns. By targeting and incorporating these high-performing keywords, the system enhances the precision and effectiveness of your ads, ensuring they are triggered by search queries most likely to engage and convert. This focused approach helps to improve the overall campaign performance, leveraging successful keywords to drive more relevant traffic and potentially increasing the return on your advertising investment.

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Free Templates

Together with experts we are building the most powerful templates to kickstart your success as much as possible.
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Product Descriptions In Shopify

In this flow, ChatGPT is used to generate or improve product descriptions for Shopify. The new product descriptions end up in a Google sheet for verification.

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Weather-Based Ads

This flow accesses weather data from a Google Sheet and compares it with previously selected thresholds. On the basis of this information, the budgets or the bidding strategies are adjusted.

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Cross-Channel Reporting

A simple flow that gathers campaign data from Google Ads and Meta and puts it into a Google Sheet creating a fully automated cross-channel report for you.