More than 150 businesses trust Shopstory to automate their workflows

Gute Gründe für unsere Software

save time icon (yellow)

Zeit sparen

Egal ob du dein Marketing selbst übernommen oder es in andere Hände gegeben hast. Unsere Software unterstützt dich bei jedem Schritt und verschafft dir so Zeit, für die wirklich wichtigen Dinge.

mouse click icon (green)

Weniger Klicks

Mach dir nie wieder Gedanken über unnötig komplizierte Anzeigenerstellung. Mit Shopstory erstellst du Werbeanzeigen in nur wenigen Klicks und in einem Bruchteil der Zeit.

automate icon (purple)


Die Algorithmen von Shopstory arbeiten 24/7 für dich und optimieren laufend deine Kampagnen. Wir drehen an den richtigen Schrauben, um das Beste aus deinem Werbebudget herauszuholen.

Target icon (red)


Mit Shopstory verbrennst du nicht mehr das Werbebudget deines Onlineshops. Anstatt in Rauch aufzugehen, landet dein Werbebudget mit uns bei deiner Zielgruppe.

sliders icon (yellow)

Transparenz & Kontrolle

Vorbei ist die Zeit, wo du dein Marketing in fremde Hände geben musst. Unsere Software zeigt dir genau, was mit deinem Werbebudget passiert. Außerdem kannst du bei Bedarf jederzeit eingreifen.

less money icon (green)

Kosten senken

Agenturen oder ein ganzes Marketing Team lassen deine Marketing Kosten schnell in die Höhe schießen. Mit Shopstory gibt es keinen Stundensatz, aber volle Performance.

Image of an excited girl looking at a dashboard on her laptop

Steigere deine Umsätzeauf Autopilot

Unsere Software kann 24/7 deine Werbekampagnen optimieren und verbessert dein SEA & SEO - vollkommen automatisiert.

Verknüpfe deine Tools ausEcommerce & Marketing

Automatisiere deine plattformübergreifenden Aufgaben, indem du deine Tools aus Ecommerce & Marketing miteinander verknüpfst.

Image of people pointing at a girls notebook and telling what to do next

Marketers & Ecommerce Owners love Shopstory

Our customers love our software and there are good reasons for that: We make you more efficient, boost your revenue and save you valuable time.

burned advertising budget that was spent on non performing campaigns before.
per week saved that had previously been wasted on repetitive tasks that could be automated.
increase in reveue on average, for advertising campaigns optimized by Shopstory.

Shopstory is known from

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Success Stories

Wir schreiben Erfolgsgeschichten

What our customers say

More time for strategic topics

“Shopstory turned ecommerce into a playground for us! We've more than doubled our conversions since using it.”

lila loves it logo

Ellen Blobner

Marketing Manager @ lila-loves-it

Automated our performance marketing

“Before Shopstory, we had difficulty getting a holistic overview of how our online campaigns affect our online shop. We now have clear control over the profitability of our campaigns.”

Logo of Miss Lashes

Irina Yalcin

CEO & Founder @ Miss Lashes

More effective and efficient marketing

“The switch to Shopstory has significantly improved our advertising campaigns. We've seen a noticeable increase in conversions, and it saved us time and money at the same time.”

Nancy Heijnis

Digital Marketing Manager @ House of Nutrition

Enabled us to make data driven decisions

“We have a better overview of our performance marketing and can make better and more educated strategic decisions through Shopstory. Highly recommended.”

Bram Veldhoen

CEO & Founder

More time through automated optimizations

“We wasted a lot of time on repetitive tasks every week until Shopstory changed that by optimizing our workflows using automated flows.”

kamdi24 Logo

Max Schulz

Online Marketing Manager @ kamdi24

The automations save valuable time

We've significantly reduced the hours spent on manual work and we've also improved the performance of our clients - so we've reduced costs through efficiency and increased our revenues!“

Corné Degen

Growth Lead @ Prodos

Able to focus on the big picture now

“Thanks to Shopstory, we can focus on our core business and let the software take care of our Google Ads and technical details - without te need of us checking in on the smaller tasks.”

Tobias Wiegers

CEO & Founder @ Media-Werbung Wiegers e.K.

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